Wednesday, 10 December 2008

SMS from

We have managed to nothing for a whole day! Lovely and lazy day.


Anonymous said...

lydia will be happy to hear this.

Anonymous said...

Det er herlig å høre at dere kan bruke en hel dag til å ikke gjøre noen ting! Bare bruk flere slike dager.
En masse hilsener og klem fra MOR

Tove Iren said...

Blir det klatring opp vulkanen på dåkke? Lykke te i så fall! Ta bilder!

Anonymous said...

Dear Anita and Eirik,
I got your report from San Pablo (with Chimborazo close by).
In Austria we got snow (in Bad Aussee about 20 cm, but in Kaernten and Osttirol 1,5 m!).
All the Raaijmans are doing fine.
The last call from Mama gave us some hope the Grandpa is doing better. He has no pain and gets treatment by physiotherapists (to make some steps on his own). It seems that he might leave the hospital soon. But where should he go? It is obvious that he may not stay in his apartment by himself.
It is also too much trouble for Arlene - even if she is very helpful, tries to do the best and
willing to support Les whrer ever she can. She is a great person in this situation. So they might try to find a place for a cure program (=rheab) or/and a home for elderly people.
Mama will inform us about the further development. Of course, she
would like to come back with Lydia
(with Miriam) on Dec. 23.
You have about ten more days unteil you leave at Quito! Good luck and a save journey wishes