Monday, 8 December 2008


After a terrible long ride uphill yesterday, we camped well hidden from the Panamericana highway. As the pasta gently spread lovely smell around the tent, the fog tightened around us and it was time to eat and sleep (after 6 more chapters in the very exciting books....). The water filter proved its efficiency, turning diaper marinated water into lovely drinking water.

We were brutally awoken by a squeaking duck (a dog toy) and a group of locals around our tent. They were fascinated by our presence, while we were tired and annoyed. They left us awake, and a new day had started. The cycles brought us down to Cañar where we had lunch, and then Tambos where we realized that we were tired of bicycling. We took the first bus to Riobamba, and here we are!

Tomorrow, we will check what possibilities Riobamba can offer, and also check out trips to Baños and Chimborazo. There will also be a possibility of new pictures on the blog. The place we are now has asked us nicely not to upload any pictures with a large poster right in front of us.


Anonymous said...

Almost there! What a nice trip and cool pictures. My (Tom) haircut in Equador was also very terrible (including wound in the neck). Nice country though. And no, we are not famous for our ice cream. Have a nice Christmas.

Greetz from Langkawi Malaysia,
Tom & Mariel (Copacabana)

Anonymous said...

Dear Anita and Eirik,
Arlene's sister has kindly loaned us her notebook so I'll see if I can send you some information.

Anita, I have arranged with your Grandpa's doctor at the hospital that she would talk with you if you phoned. She has permission to tell you any medical information you request. She can be reached at 001 608 256 1901. Then you must ask that they page Dr. Anna Haemel. She should be at the hospital between 7 and 16 hours Standard time (that is the same as Grandpa's normal time). I don't know how that compares with you time zone.

Oh, he's not at the hospital anymore. He is in a nursing home now where he will be getting physical and occupational therapy. The home is about 25 min. from Arlene or Janesville. I was impressed with what I saw yesterday when I brought him there.

You can reach him at 001 608 882 9004. There you also have to ask the nurse to take the phone to him. He is doing much better but still needs oxygen if he walks or exerts himself in any way. You don't need to change your flight if you could come over before you start working.

Hope I do this right and you get this. You could write me at this address.

Love ya'll,