Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Christmas in Bad Aussee, Austria

To wrap up our small expedition: The 4 months or travelling have been fantastic. Poeple we met were always friendly, and we did not experience a single serious situation during our trip. Some parts have been exhausting, but travelling as we did has enabled us to meet people, not just museums. We have also experienced what the countries have to offer today, not just what they had 500 years ago. Following the gringo trail in the north part of Ecuador opened our eyes to what normal tourists see, and we are incledible happy for what we have done. Last of all, not all people have the opportunity to shoot off to another continent for 4 months, or any time at all. Thanks to everybody that have helped us accomplish this. Another thanks goes to our loyal (and also disloyal) blog readers. It is fun to write when people read.

At Heatrow airport, London / Miami Airport

 We arrived the Meier residence in Bad Aussee after 32 hours (16 of them waiting), 2 ice creams, 3 films, some naps and a couple of sore behinds. The bicycle decided to catch another flight, and will be with us after christmas. Erhard came all the way to Vienna to pick us up (3 hrs each way). Thank you Erhard. Most of today was spent with the kids (Johannes, Flora and Miriam) and the rest of the family at Lydia and Koens place.

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you!

The very last travel album for now: http://picasaweb.google.com/eirik.sunde/QuitoDecember2008#


Peter und Birgit said...

Liebe liebe liebe Anita und lieber Eirik, freu mich, dass ihr gut zuhaus angekommen seids und jetzt mit der Familie feiern koennts...Wuensch euch ein wunderschoenes Fest. Liebe Gruesse Birgit und Peter. Ahja gratuliere euch, dass ihr noch so hoch hinaus seids im letzten Teil eurer Reise...Ihr seids wahnsinnig... :-)

Ulli said...

...es ist so toll was ihr beide da gemahct habt!!!! wirklich unglaublich. es war so schoen, dass ihr leider nur ganz kurz, aber immerhin teil unserer reise ward!! wir wuenschen euch im nachhinein noch frohe weihnachten und einen guten rutsch nach norwegen!

viele bussis von nanni, lisa, tessi und ulli