Thursday, 18 December 2008

Relaxing in Baños

After two days of reading, hammock swinging and bathing we yesterday decided to get active again. We rented two quad-runners and drove up closer to the vulcano. We were surprised by how much it actually smokes. Quoting Eirik: "If the vulcano had been a powerplant, then Greenpeace had been there with their posters long time ago."

In the afternoon we biked 18 km of the "Waterfall-Street" to Pailon del Diabolo (the devil's cauldron), a very impressive waterfall where you can crawl through a long tunnel-like stone niche until you stand behind the waterfall and get splashing wet.

 The perfect ending of the day was spending the whole evening in the hot and cold pools of "La Piscina de la Virgen". Now we're ready for Quito.

P.S. The parade on December 16th was very fun to watch. All the towns institutions participated, including two geriatric homes. The act of electing a beauty queen must be deeply rooted in Ecuador, as also the geriatric delegations had a (approximately 80 years old) beauty queen walking in front. I found that quite cool. Who says that beauty has to be linked to youth?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeg vet sannelig ikke om dere har det så godt at dere slett ikke ønsker å komme hjem!
Jeg kommer på Sola og henter dere. Det skal bli flott å snakke skikkelig med dere, selv om jeg virkelig føler at jeg har fått være med på reisen deres.
Takk for all informasjon, takk for alle reisebeskrivelsene og takk for alle de flotte bildene. En masse hilsener og klem fra MOR