Tuesday, 11 November 2008

A week at the beach!

We have rented a wonderful beach house (check the link) for a week together with Birgit, Peter, Sabrina and Adrian in Huanchaco close to Trujillo. Our plan is to relax, learn spanish and do a beginners surf course. We all know (deep inside) that we will speak into the small hours in the night, and sleep long into the morning.

Eirik is feeling much better, which is the result of a strict ice-cream diet (preferably strawberry ice cream with fresh strawberries). You can also thank some good portions of chicken and gummi sweets (that are so hard to get hold of in the Andes).


Anonymous said...

Hei alle sammen!
Leiligheten, prisen og området så herlig ut. En slik uke fortjener dere nå. Kos dere, spis god og sunn mat og riktig nyt livet. Det spørs om dere ønsker å reise derfra! Godt at alle prøvene var ok, Eirik! Det var lurt å sjekke det.
En masse hilsener og klem fra MOR

Tove Iren said...

Eg og vil!!! E for tiå sygemeldte pga kvalme, og d e ikkje så kult. Sko heller vært på strandå i Peru, for å sei d sånn... Men der e masse liv i magen, og det vege ganske godt opp for kvalmen altså :) Kos dåkke masse!!!! Klem.

Anonymous said...

nice to hear that you're feeling better! enjoy your 'week off' :-)
too busy in graz.... looking forward to after the dipl.

Anonymous said...

Hallo Anita und Eirik,
we hope that Eirik´s sickness is over and he is doing better again.
Now you are in Huanchaco close to Trujillo (is this near Lima since we couldn´t find it on you map?).
How is your trip going on? Is your itinerary northward from Lima along the transamerican highway???
Are you still going on with your bikes? How is your timetable concerning the further route up to Quito (Ecuador)?
In Bad Aussee everything is alright; it is getting colder. The snow is on the mountain tops (but not in the valley).
Lydia won a bicycle at a competition of Sparkasse. Markus is alright: Erhard was visiting Vienna from Nov 9th to 12th. Joanna was in Vienna also. We were visiting the Volksoper together (Turandot).
It´s me (Mama) now. I couldn´t figure out how to send a comment but will try to learn. I spent the time your dad was gone redoing the high-bed in the garden. My back now knows what it means to shovel out and then back again about two cubic meters of dirt.
The turkeys for Xmas are getting fat. We think that Xmas is a good opportunity for you (especially Eirik!!) to get normal food and to get back the strength for nomal life.
Greetings, with love
Coralee & Erhard

Anonymous said...

Hei begge!
Jeg venter med spenning etter å høre fra dere nå ved kysten. Det er jo et helt annet liv enn de månedene dere har bak dere.
I dag kom to bøker til deg, Anita. De ligger trygt og godt her.
En masse hilsener og klem fra MOR