Friday, 14 November 2008


It is wonderful wonderful wonderful here!! We have managed to get into and out of the wetsuits (which is the most difficult thing), the surfing itself seems quite easy compared to that. Big waves and mouthfulls of saltwater can't disturb us, neither our sore muscles. The delicious cuisine we six create in our kitchen gives us enough energy for surfing and learning spanish.


Småen said...

Was thinking about you the other day, when I was doing math and studying for the exams this month, so I just had to say hi on your blog;)
Looks like you are having a great time together, just experiencing life. Bless U.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anita und Eirik!

Bitte verpaßt nicht die Erfahrung einfach mal 3 Tage absolut nichts zu tun - auch wichtig fürs spätere Leben! Also verlängert nachher noch mind. 3 Tage (besser 1 Woche) um in diesen "Flow" zu kommen.

Schöne Grüße von der ganzen Familie! Lydia und Koen
Auch an Birgit