Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Happy birthday!

I woke up 0413 this morning by Anita singing "happy birthday" in her almost sleep, smiled and went back to bed again. I woke up again at 0700 when Anita came into the room carrying a mango with a candle in it. Wonderful breakfast! Anita is complaining that I am getting too thin, and it is true. I am thinner than before, and I do everything in my power to fatten myself up. Believe it or not, but it is NOT easy.

Yesterday was a day full of accomplishments. We found a very nice hotel with a small birthday suite for 16 USD/night, fixed our stinking laundry, delivered our muddy bikes for maintenance and ate chocolate and mangos the rest of the day. I guess we could wash and adjust our bikes ourselves, but we would rather support the local communities by using their services, than to give the money to people who beg.

The last weeks have been wonderful. They have been demanding, but what else can make us appreciate the flat and sunny days? We have not lacked a single thing. Shops are scattered along the streets, and they even stock butter! There has been enough water, and we have eaten what we wanted to eat. There has been a lot of up and downs, but that also means an astonishing view.

We will take the bus to a beautiful touristy lake today. Our legs need some days of rest. They have rowing boats and fishing possibilities there. We will continue biking road #3 towards Ayacucho tomorrow (10hrs with bus), and we cross all fingers for nice roads and rain free days.

But lets not waste this day in front of a computer. So long folks, and thanks for all the congratulations!

PS: This internet place is no good. Cannot upload pictures or call. Will do that later.
PPS: One book recommendation is the Swedish book "Menn som hater kvinner". Anita read it first, and could not put it away. Now I am hooked.


Anonymous said...

Gratla med dagen!!

Hørres ud som Anita har tatt seg av deg på dagen din :) Her oppe i Sunnfjord e d lange dager. Me har hatt vedlikeholdsstans i to uker nå. Men heldigvis går det mot slutten! Det e ganske krevande å ha ansvar for et heilt anlegg. Ellers så kose eg meg masse, har flytta inn i rekkehus med vedovn, så nå e d full fyr kver kveld og d trengs! I går snødde d faktisk så dagen i dag har vært heilt utrolige med strålande sol, blå himmel og et kvitt lag over heile Svelgen. Du må ha vært snille i året som gikk ;) Kos dokker masse videre, eg går snart hjem fra jobb nå og ska kosa meg med flammene i ovnen og "bonderomantikk" :) Klem fra Helene

SunDe said...

Nok en gang, gratulerer med dagen! Høres ut som dagen ble fin og at Anita steller bra med deg :-)

"Menn som hater kvinner" av Stieg Larsson er meget god. Det er de to neste også, "Jenta som lekte med ilden" og "Luftslottet som sprengtes". Han skriver utrolig godt, synd at han døde så ung.

Ellers ser jeg at dere fortsatt har en lang vei foran dere, så litt busskjøring hjelper nok på.

Kos dere fortsatt!

Hilsen fra far og Kjersti

Tove Iren said...

Gratulera så mye med dagen!!! Bursdagskaga/bryllupskagå du kreve å få, blir servert når dåkke komme hjem!

Ha ein kjempeflotte tur vidare!

Sabrina said...

happy birthday eirik. great to hear that you had a nice and relaxing day.
wir sind heute abend in huaraz angekommen (3100m). werden uns morgen hier aklimatisieren und die tage darauf eine wandertour machen.
sind schon gespannt, wo sich unsere wege kreuzen werden!
glg sabrina und adrian

Anonymous said...

Dear Eirik,
happy birthday also from us! We won`t sing like Anita did, but take that as a present. Wish you the best!!

Hi Anita,
kein Wunder wenn Eirik immer dünner wird, wenn du ihm nur eine Mango mit Kerze statt einer Torte gibst!!! Lydia

Anonymous said...

Liebe Anita, Lieber Erik!
wie man hier liest, geht es Euch nach wir vor gut, ich freue mich das ihr soviel erlebt und ihr auf Euer Reise erreicht, was ihr Euch wünscht. Wollte Dir nur eine kurze Neuigkeit sagen, ich werde heiraten! LG und Bis hoffentl. bald, Manu

Anonymous said...

Gratulere me vel overstått =D
Hilsen May, Kåre, Oscar åg Catalina

Anonymous said...

Dear Eirik,

happy birthday in retrospect also from Aska and me!

Hope your journey stays as adventurous and exciting as it has till now!

Greetings from Kraków and Vienna,
Aska & Markus